Payment Due Reminders
Used predominately by creditors, our convenient Payment Due reminders – worded in a friendly and professional manner – can prevent the need for further action.
Timely Professional Contact - usually shortly before payment is due, following up within the first three days after the invoice ‘pay by’ date. We know you’re busy, so we do this for a period of 30 to 60 days to take the pressure off.
Assistance With Payment - allow us to update and resend missing payment data (through Viber, WhatsApp, Skype, Messenger, phone, e-mail, and text message) and provide alternative methods of payment (at the request of the creditor – via postal order, PayPal and more).
Updating Contact Details - we’ll ensure contact details are up to date, for your further use in a contractual relationship with your customers – in debt collection, for example.
Pre-scoring of Prospective Customers
We consider timely verification of potential customers to be one of the best debt prevention tools. Our services cover mainly the register of executions, the register of liens, the commercial journal, the real estate cadastre, financial statements, liabilities to the social/medical insurance and Financial Administration of the Slovak Republic, as well as trade payables.